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Disclaimer: Information in the Registry is unofficial and not intended as a substitute for any official government record of military service.

Gary James Taft

Born 08/06/1966, Minneapolis, MN
Gender Male
Parents Gary & Elizabeth Taft
Schools Attended

Edison High School/ Minnesota School Bussiness

Branch of Service Army
Additional Identifiers Non-commissioned Officer
Service Timeframe 08/30/1984 - 09/01/2004
War/Conflict Iraq 2003-2010
Principal Units and Locations

17th Field Artillery Brigade

Military Awards and Decorations

Bronze Star Medal, Meritorius Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal

This was a photo of Gary receiving his Bronze Star Medal in Iraq. Oct 2003


Gary's career spans over 20 years of faithful service to his county. He never joined with the intention of making it a career. He served in 8 different units over the 20 years. Always serving in a Field Artillery unit doing the job he joined to do. Over the years he made a lot of friends (buddies) that are still friends (buddies) today. Even in retirement from the US Army, he still believes in its values and beliefs. He is still a soldier at heart.

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