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Disclaimer: Information in the Registry is unofficial and not intended as a substitute for any official government record of military service.

Richard J. Vosika

Gender Male
Schools Attended
Branch of Service Air Force
Additional Identifiers Commissioned or Warrant Officer
Service Timeframe 1964 - 1984 *
War/Conflict Berlin Crisis 1961
Vietnam War 1964-1975
Principal Units and Locations
Military Awards and Decorations


I began my military career in the Army National Guard by completing 6 months of active duty July 1959 to Jan 1960. During this time I was trained as a medic. I transferred to the 109th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron in the Air National Guard in 1961 shortly before being activated for 1 year for the Berlin Crisis. I was discharged from the Air National Guard September 1964 to enroll in Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps at the University of Minnesota, where I was commissioned in 1965. My first assignment as an officer was to the University of Oklahoma to study meteorology. One year later I was assigned to Perrin AFB, TX. My Vietnam tour was Feb 1968 to Mar 1969 as a target forecaster in the Saigon Forecast Center. After Vietnam, my family and I moved to Germany, where I spent 2 years at Stuttgart as a weather forecaster and 3 years at Spangdahlem AB as Detachment 31, 2d Weather Wing Commander. From there I was assigned to the Military Airlift Command Inspector General team for two years, during which time I inspected numerous weather units throughout the world. After attending Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia, I made a career change into Manpower and Personnel and was assigned to Air Force Systems Command 1977 - 1980. My last assignment was the AFROTC unit at the University of Minnesota - Duluth as and Instructor then Professor of Aerospace Studies. I retired in 1984.

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